
Xyplorer color filters
Xyplorer color filters

XYplorer is a portable (stand-alone) file manager. Most recently added features include Breadcrumb navigation, support for external copy handlers such as teracopy and fastcopy etc. XYplorer is constantly developed with regular beta releases. Also available is flat file viewing that allows parent folders to be seen in the same window. Allows color-coding of files based on one or more combinations of file types, dates, age, and size), and highly customizable visual filters allowing only certain files and folders to be displayed depending on the filter criteria. Other features includes advanced batch renaming capabilities, custom file copiers (supports file verifications, pause and resume, and course of action on file collisions), highly customizable color-coding for files (aka Color Filters.

xyplorer color filters

Some unique features are the Catalog, (which is a user created panel of links to files, folders, URLs, shortcuts, and similar entries), Scripting (which allows user to create stored sets of commands, similar to a macro), Mini Tree (a custom subset of the tree) and UDC (User Defined Commands, to create a limited set of customized commands). The search facility supports Boolean logic, regular expressions, whole word and fuzzy matching, binary string search, and multiple location search. The program is available in a fully featured trialware version as well as a feature limited freeware version.Ī central feature is the hideable information panel at the bottom that can be used to view file properties and contents, generate reports, preview files (PNG, TIF, GIF, JPG, TGA, PSD, ICO WAV, MP3, MPEG, AVI TTF, PFB HTML, EML, MSG, DOC, XLS, PDF, and many other formats) and find files. In addition to dual folder panes (since version 8), it features a file tree and a tabbed interface for folders that supports drag-and-drop between tabs and panes.

xyplorer color filters

XYplorer is a hybrid file manager that combines features found in navigational and orthodox file managers. XYplorer (pronounced X-Y-plorer or Zai-plorer, formerly known as TrackerV3) is a file manager for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10.

Xyplorer color filters